Lincoln James Phillips was born Thursday, April 1st at 11:45 a.m. He weighed 7 pounds and was 19 1/2 inches. He's doing great and we came home from the hospital on Saturday. We got to the hospital at 8:45 a.m. and he decided to move things along quickly. I didn't get an epidural which was NOT the plan. I know a lot of people go that route. I'm not sure if I could ever do it again. I still feel a little traumatized. Maybe I just need to toughen up a little bit:) Matthew pretty much ignores him, he's just happy his daddy is home. Ken's off the whole month of April. We will have some awesome family time.

We are so excited for you guys! The baby is beautiful! And good for you for doing it natural... Even though it wasn't your intent!!
Congratulations! It is so nice to see that you are all together and can spend some quality time with new baby Lincoln (he's so cute!)
Congratulations Gina!
Stop. The. Train...!... you didn't have an epideral? Holy cow, girlfriend! Yeah I'd probably be traumatized too, I don't think you need to "toughen up" at all. You know what's funny is that with Brayden I was already dilated to a 7 when I was admitted to the hospital-they said he'd be born in a couple hours I was moving so quickly...I flat out begged for an epideral pronto even though I wasn't in a whole lot of pain. It was just the thought of going natural that had me scared.
So good job, supermommy!
And Lincoln is beautiful and so worth all of it! I'm so happy that Ken made it home, Matthew is adjusting and you have a whole month of great family time together.
Can't wait to see more udpates and photos. Btw, your house is going to be amazing!
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