
Friday, April 9, 2010

What a Crazy Week

I'm a bit behind on posts. Ken got home Tuesday, March 30th. Thursday, April 1st I started to have contractions about 2 a.m. We left for Dickinson around 6:30 a.m. and Lincoln James was born at 11:45 a.m. We got home from the hospital on Saturday. Lincoln was a little jaundice when we left so the pediatrician wanted to see him again on Monday in Dickinson. (Dickinson is 120 miles from Baker. Yes, I grew up in the middle of nowhere.) His bilirubin level was 14 when we left the hospital and 20 on Monday. The normal range is 4-8 in newborns. She sent us home with a portable light to wrap around him and hopefully bring his levels down. We took him to get his level checked in Baker on Tuesday. They sent the results to Dickinson and the doctor called from there and said his level had went up to 25. She wanted us to get to Dickinson as soon as we could and get Lincoln admitted to the hospital. Poor Matthew was not happy about mommy and daddy having to leave again. Thankfully I have my mom and sister here to take care of him. We got to Dickinson and the doctor examined him. She said she hadn't seen a level that high in a long time. She had a feeling that the blood results from Baker might not be accurate because Lincoln seemed fine. He got his blood done again and the level came back at 21. She was thankful the first results were wrong. The level was still high enough that she wanted him to stay at the hospital and go under the florescent lights. He got admitted to the hospital about 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday. He had to be under the lights unless he needed to be fed. Ken and I got to stay in the hospital with him. He did great and slept the entire time he had to be under the lights. We got released from the hospital Thursday morning. His bilirubin level was down to 13. The doctor said the level will slowly continue to come down. He goes back for a check-up the 19th. He got poked and messed with so much in the hospital. It's nice to be back home again and he is doing great. We decided Matthew probably needed a little extra love from mommy and daddy after we'd been gone again. We took him to the park last night and had a picnic and played. Lincoln stayed home with my parents. Matthew's had a lot of changes in his life this last week. He seems to be adjusting great though.


sarahbellum said...

Loved seeing all the photos, Gina. Hope both boys are doing well and you and Ken are getting some rest!

Anonymous said...

Boy, you have had an eventful few months haven't you???
I hope things are calming down and that you are feeling great!
You look great! Sorry I didn't get a longer visit Friday---and didn't get to meet Ken!