
Monday, May 17, 2010

Feeling Like Home

It's hard to believe we've been in Bozeman over 2 weeks now. The vacation house we're staying in is working perfectly. We are anxious to be settled in our house though.

Work is going good for Ken. His summer schedule is VERY relaxed. He goes in for PT from 9:30-11:30. Then he comes home for lunch and goes back until about 4:00. We've never had this much time together as a family. It definitely isn't your typical army work schedule. He will be a little busier during the school year though.

The Rec Department here has a lot of summer activities for Matthew. They start June 14th and I think we'll sign him up for 2 activities a week. He needs to meet some friends. We've found a lot of fun parks in town to take him to play at too. He decided the day before we left Baker he wanted to be potty trained. It took him one day and he was completely potty trained. We did Pull-Up's for 2 weeks and he's now in big boy underwear. He seems to be adjusting to our life here good.

Lincoln is almost 7 weeks now. He wakes up at 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. to eat. He is a happy baby and has started smiling a lot. He gets a little crabby at night before bed but other than that is super easy.

I'm doing good and staying busy with the boys. I got the OK to start working out again which I'm loving. When I get back into shape I'll try to start teaching a couple of group fitness classes a week. I've been running a lot and hope to compete in some races this summer. Moving here has made me realize how tired I am of moving around. It is so much work to start over and try to meet people. Hopefully when we get settled in we can start meeting some people.

For the last week we've finally had some good weather. We've taken advantage of it and explored the local trails. The town has a lot of trails and there are some awesome hikes in the area. Our first hike was to the "M". Matthew hiked about half way up and he made it the whole way down. He fits right in with our active lifestyle. Lincoln snuggles up in his Baby Bjorn and doesn't make a peep. We are so happy to be living in Montana again!

The top of the "M"

Another shot

Matthew trying to drink with the girls

What a view

The beginning of the hike. You can see the white "M" we hiked to.

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