We've been at my in-laws in Libby, MT since Memorial Day. They don't have wireless Internet so I've been slacking on blog posts. We've had a great time visiting. The weather has been nice on and off. We have taken advantage of every sunny day we have had here and spent it outdoors. We also went to Spokane, WA last week to visit some good friends. Our relaxing is about to come to an end. We head back to Bozeman on Thursday. Here's some quick updates on us:
Ken and me: Ken's enjoyed having more time off of work. It's been 1 1/2 years since we've spent much time in Libby. He's had a great time catching up with old friends. We started the workout program Insanity June 1st. It's a 60 day program and it's a ton of fun. (At least I think so!) I am working my butt off to get back in shape. The baby weight has steadily been coming off and I love that I can work out hard again. It's been awesome having so much time together as a family.
Matthew: Our sweet 2 1/2 year old needs desperately to get back on a schedule. He hasn't taken a nap in almost a month. He has been so great for as crazy as his life has been these last couple of months. He's had fun with grandma and grandpa in Libby. His potty training has went downhill fast. He went from being completely potty trained to mostly going in his Pull-Up again. We're all ready for some structure in our lives again. He's excited to move into our new house.
Lincoln: He's now 2 1/2 months old. At his 2 month check-up he weighed 12 pounds 13 ounces and was 24 inches. He was in the 90% for both. It's a total change from Matthew. Matthew was always on the low end of the charts. We have ourselves a big boy! He is in 3-6 month clothes and still growing fast. He has a great personality. He rarely cries unless he's hungry or really gassy. He wakes at night around 3 and then at 6 or 7. He goes back to sleep and usually sleeps until 9. He eats about every 3 hours during the day.
House: It should be done by Thursday! Everything has been going good. We are planning on staying there Thursday night. Our stuff is getting delivered on Monday the 21st. My parents, sister and Kynlie are coming Friday and staying for the week. It will be nice having so many hands to help move in.
I'll post a lot of photos next week once we get internet. I can't wait to be settled finally.
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