
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Big Brother Matthew

Matthew has kept us busy this summer. He took a Music and Movement class through the Rec Department earlier this summer. He is now in soccer and a Planes, Trains and Things that Move class. Classes for 2-3 year olds are parent participation. I put Lincoln in the Baby Bjorn and we go to all the classes. He has had fun having so many visitors this summer. His vocabulary is expanding by the day. He's very chatty and I bet I hear "Mommy" followed by something hundreds of times a day. He has become quite the singer and wants to know the name of every song he hears. His favorites now are "Rain is a Good Thing" by Luke Bryan and "Our Kind of Love" by Lady Antebellum. He will be 3 December 1st. He is very tall and skinny. He is a GREAT kid and I don't think I could ask for a better 2 year old. We love you buddy!

1 comment:

Brian Tse said...

Looks like your so won't ever be lonely now since he has a companion :D